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Nadja Sarell children's book illustrator

Tervetuloa kotisivuilleni!

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I’m a freelance illustrator from Helsinki, Finland.

I graduated in 2004 from North Wales School of Art and Design with BA (1st class Hons) in Illustration for Children’s Publishing. Before my illustration studies I graduated as a dancer with MA in Dance from Theatre Academy in Helsinki.



I work for the children's book publishers in Finland and abroad. My passion is to create illustrations for children's picture books. I also love working on chapter books and non-fiction picture books. I create surface patterns and card designs for licensing between the book commissions.


I have had several years of experience with performing arts and teaching dance. I also play classical piano and I'm working on my boogie-woogie and blues. My hobbies include dancing whenever and wherever I can. I have also started pottery classes, my latest passion project!


I have a 15 minute walk through a small forest to my studio. That's my happy place where I create my illustrations for children. There is also space to dance!


I work both traditionally and on the computer while listening to my favourite music by artists like Nina Simone, Jungle Brothers or James.


My favourite art materials are gouache, crayons and pencils, but I'm comfortable experimenting on any material depending on the project. I work a lot digitally and incorporate my hand-drawn elements to my book illustrations.


My favourite subject to illustrate are quirky characters with lots of personality. I enjoy adding patterns everywhere, as well as handmade textures. I love to do research for the books that I illustrate. I often get lost in the sciency, geeky things!

For commissions outside Scandinavia, you can contact my agent Kate Powell at Astound.




                        Selected client list


Design House Greetings, Dropp Water, Hachette, HarperCollins, Heinemann, Karto, Mäkelä Publishing, Opetushallitus/Finnish National Agency for Education, Oxford University Press, Otava Publishing, Putinki, Sanoma Pro, Simon & Schuster, Sinebrychoff Art Museum, Tammi, Turku Castle Museum, UNICEF Finland, Valio, Verson Puoti, WooW Books, Yosemite Conservancy


Client testimonies:



"Working with Nadja on a four-book picture book series was a real pleasure. She’s full of fantastic ideas, a team player, and hits all her deadlines – what a dream."
en & Rook, Hachette

"Nadja Sarell was a wonderful and responsive partner in our project, delivering bright, bold, joyful illustrations that elevated the project and made a unique topic wholly accessible to the audience. She has been a willing promotional partner as well, gamely fielding interview questions whenever asked. Thank you, Nadja!"
-Yosemite Conservancy Publishing

"Nadja Sarell is an incredibly talented illustrator, who perfectly captured the spirit of my characters and brought the story to life with her bright, whimsical, beautifully detailed illustrations.  She was absolutely wonderful to work with and I look forward to working with her again!"

-Katie Petruzziello, Author of Mighty Mila


"Nadja on lahjakas, omaleimainen kuvittaja, jonka tunnistettavat ja silti loputtoman moninaiset hahmot ja ympäristöt herättävät tekstin kauniisti eloon. Odotan Nadjalta aina paljon mutta saan vielä enemmän. Työkaverina hän kuuntelee, ymmärtää, kunnioittaa ja tuo rohkeasti pöytään oman ammattitaitonsa ja oivaltavat ideansa."

                                                                                                         - Otava


Nadjalla oli ymmärrystä ja näkemystä lapsen oikeuksia käsittelevän opetusjulisteen suunnitteluun ja kuvittamiseen. Nadjan kuvittamissa hahmoissa on moninaisuutta ja kuvituksessa on paljon pieniä yksityiskohtia, joita lasten on kiinnostava tutkia samalla, kun he oppivat lapsen oikeuksista. Yhteistyö oli sujuvaa ja helppoa aina ideoinnista viimesilauksiin asti. 

                                                                                                   -Suomen UNICEF


Nadjan kuvitukset ovat parhaita: kekseliäitä, eloisia ja ajassa eläviä. Ne nostavat kirjan kuin kirjan tasoa ja herättävät tekstin henkiin.

Kun kuvitusten laatu vielä yhdistetään mukavaan tyyppiin, jonka kanssa kaikki tuntuu onnistuvan ja joka pitää omalta osaltaan huolta aikatauluissa pysymisestä – mitä muuta voisi toivoa? Täydellinen yhteistyökumppani kustantamolle!

                                                                                                -Kustannus Mäkelä









All images © Nadja Sarell 2024

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